Welcome to my website! I'm an Instructor, Developer, QA Engineer, and former JET Programme ALT who enjoys tinkering with computers, self-hosting software, gamedev, and all things basketball. This website is my way of sharing with the world everything I've learned through the wonderful resources of the open internet.

For starters, here are some of the more useful things I’ve written:

Recent Blog Posts

A Year on Stack Overflow
March 30, 2018

It’s been just a bit over a year since I started answering questions on Stack Overflow. I stuck with answering [react-native] questions almost exclusively because I wanted to hone my expertise in that niche. It worked, but it also opened my eyes to some larger problems with both the Stack Overflow and React Native communities.

#100DaysOfCode: Day 20
March 28, 2018

Devlog for day 20 or whatever day I’m at of my #100DaysOfCode coding challenge.

My First Pull Request
March 12, 2018

I had my first pull request merged recently! 🎉

It was exciting, and I learned a lot along the way. For those of you looking to get involved in open source, this post is my attempt at helping you take that first step by retracing my journey.

Recent Wiki Edits

UI Frameworks
January 18, 2018
January 18, 2018
January 15, 2018

Copyright © 2011-2020 Ho Yin Cheng